Guy and Jamie



A Musical for Youth or Youth and AdultsThis adaptation of the Canterbury Tales captures a different view of the life of fairies, wizards, and the life and adventures of the young Guinivere, Arthur, and their friends.

A Musical for Adults and Youth, or Youth only.

Adaptable for 20 to 36 people.

Targeted for young actors ages eight through fourteen.

Books and Lyrics by Kenna MacKombre and Janis Dunson Wilson

Additional Lyrics by Herschel Cozine

Music by Janis Dunson Wilson
Copyright 2000; updated 2008

Productions: Guinivere was originally adapted by Kenna MacKombre and Janis Dunson Wilson in 2000, produced by The Santa Rosa Community Center. It was revised produced by St. Rose Catholic School, Santa Rosa CA 2008.
Kenna MacKombre, Director, Janis Dunson Wilson, Musical Director

Scores Available: Piano Vocal; Vocal only.
Upon Request: Audio Accompaniment CD and Rehearsal CD.

“The Round Table” Morganna, has found the Round Table in Guinivere’s castle.
“Knights of O’Day” Knights entertain with a ballad about a giant, witch, and troll.
“Second Sight” Guinivere acknowledges the gift of seeing more then with eyes.
“Stars of Celedon” Merlin describes the power and mysticism of the stars.

Additional Songs Include:
Light the Bonfire
Herbs are the Key
Pixie Lullaby
Moon Passes Through
Fairy Dance
I Want to Be the One
The Power to Posses
The Lines of Time/Second Sight

Contact me for further information and for sample script, score and audio CD